Distance 95 miles ( 150 kilometers)
Climbing 205
Avg speed 17 mph
Total distance of ride 3,456 miles (5500 kilometers)
Total climbing 120,000 feet
230 hours on bike
0 flat tires the only person with no flats!!

Well it's hard to believe but this wonderful adventure of mine is over. Done. Complete. We got to Williamsburg, marched the beach, and dipped our tires into Chesapeake Bay, a way to symbolize the coast to coast achievement.

The past thirty days have gone by faster then any thirty days in my life, it was truly the adventure of a lifetime and one that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Just a couple of years ago I would not have thought that riding a bike across America would have been possible, but it just goes to show that just about anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Also I have been blessed to have a very healthy body which I have come to appreciate even more so recently as some of those closest to me are battling illness and cancer.
Very rarely in life does reality match the dream but in this case it did. My goals from the start were 4 fold:
1. to finish (I did)
2. to ride each and every mile ( I did)
3. to ride hard and give it my all each and every day (I did)
4. to enjoy the time and make new friends (I did)
What made this trip even more rewarding for me was to do this ride for JDRF in honor of Casey my 12 year old granddaughter.

And just so you know, 100% of the donations go directly to JDRF, not to pay for this trip, etc.
Thank you to my wife Verla, the most important person in my life, who was at the finish and without her support this trip would never have happened.
Thanks to all of you who read this blog and to my daughter Nichole who edited it , correcting much of my grammar and was a huge support during this whole adventure as was my whole family. I don't know what my next adventure will be but I know that my adventure across America will stand out as one of the highlights of my life and also makes me very proud and happy to say that I live in a great and wonderful country!