Sunday, August 1, 2010

DAY 22 Pekin IL to Danville, IL

Distance today 136 miles
Climbing 2244 feet
Avg speed 18.8 mph or 30 kilometers per hour
Elevation of Danville 620 feet
Total distance 2600 miles or 4300 kilometers

The reason I'm giving the distances in both miles and kilometers I understand that some of my Dutch relatives are reading this blog, so I now have an international following ha ha! So, to my relatives in holland; thanks for taking a interest in my trip across America, it really has been and is a great adventure and it makes me very proud to be an American! This is truly a great country, but what makes America great are the people we have met on this trip. They are hard working people, who love their families and this country, just as I know the Dutch love their great country .I am very proud to be both an American and a Dutchman!

Today started with lots of fog and low visibility as usual but was a good riding day, like a sunday bike ride through the country, fairly flat with a slight wind, had a pace line of 6 riders most of the day so we rode very steady. I have posted some pics of some
friends; Ann Trason a very strong rider from CA, and Priska kummli, a great climber from Switzerland. These women are tough and good sports; if there isnt a port a stop, a corn field will do! This part of Illinois is fertile all of the farms are very well maintained but the small towns seem to be almost abandoned very sad; I understand that many of the farms have been taken over by large corporations, I guess that's known as progress.

It was warm today - about 80 to 85 degrees with very high humidity 95+ percent, (this pic is what 100 percent humidity looks like) tomorrow should be about the same but then possible rain. Tonight was a nice dinner with friends and a huge fried banana and ice cream with whip sundae for dessert. Guess that's the reward of sittin on your a$$ all day!

Only 100 miles 180 kilometers tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who has been reading this blog and especially my family for letting me have this special adventure! look forward to seeing them in just over a week! Here's me and Veronica beagan from Anchorage, AK!

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