Sunday, August 1, 2010

DAY 21 Mount Pleasant Iowa to Pekin Illinois

Distance 142 miles
total miles 2360
Climbing 3,749 feet
Elevation of pekin 630
Pace 18.8 mph

Today was a classic riding day, mostly tail wind, mild climbs of 3 to 6 percent and good roads for the most part, some construction on saturday but the traffic was generally down from the work week, especially lower truck traffic which was welcomed.

We finally left Iowa and entered Illinios today, crossing the great mississippi river this morning.
More farm country, but it doesn't look as lush as Iowa. The humidity is every bit as high and lots of small towns. Many of the stores are closed in the smaller towns; business is rough, too bad for the locals.

The ride today was very steady and pretty fast considering the distance of 142 miles; pace Was 18.8 mph. I'm pleased with that pace and effort.

When I arrived at the motel today there was a package from the JDRF foundation including the 2010 "ride for a cure" bike which jersey it looks awesome! A back pack and various misc supplies. Thanks so much to them for their support on this adventure of mine! Riding for JDRF has made this ride much more meaningful for me, I just love Casey so much and I am so very proud of her and am so happy to be her OPA (which is Dutch for grandpa!)

Tomorrow is a short day of just 100 miles -- a "century" ride, can you imagine thinking that was SHORT?!??!?

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