Friday, July 23, 2010

DAY 13 Gillette Wyoming to Custer South Dakota and I'm "DONE"

My "horse" and I are wiped.

Distance 116 miles
Climb 3694
Avg speed 17.9
Elevation Custer 5366

Today was another fast day. Mostly flat, with one moderate climb but the winds were strong today and this afternoon I bonked.(In endurance sports, particularly cycling and running, " bonking" describes a condition caused by the depletion of glycogen stores in the liver and muscles, which manifests itself by precipitous fatigue and loss of energy). This happened because I went to hard this morning. We tried to out run a train this we were flying for about 20 miles or so. Apparently not without price. We left wyoming and entered south dakota. Tonight we stay In Custer. I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow but that is the forecast. We go to Mt Rushmore and crazy horse monument. Lots of climbing 7500 ft and severe grades. Eating, hydrating and resting in hopes I recover overnight. (sigh)


  1. Dad, rest up and eat! missing you and loving to hear about your adventures. We're riding back at home; inspired by you! tomorrow Mike, Jeff and I ride to North Bend and the bakery. (: xoxoxoxoxo

  2. Keep it up Ernie! I have been following the blog. Great effort so far. I do recall that I try to follow your "train" when we ride and I bonk just about every time we ride. Sorry you had to experience it. A good rest and lots of food and you will be great again tomorrow.

    You are making us all proud around here!

  3. Keep up the great work Ernie! I wish I was there riding with you, what an inspiration! (posted from Mike McKay using his daughter's 'competitors' email account...)

  4. Hello Ernie,

    We love to read about this great adventure and we follow it daily.

    Zet hem op Opa!!!!!!!!!!

    Your family must be very proud.

    Love from all of us

    Otto `Joke Mark Michal Laura Mark Kyan & Lieke

    bye xxxxxxxxx
